Cezanne a Firenze
Le collezioni di Fabbri e Loeser esposte per la prima volta in un’unica esposizione.
Articolata in cinque sezioni, oltre alle pitture di Cezanne troviamo Van Gogh, Matisse, Sargent, Denis,
Fino al 29 luglio 2007 a Palazzo Strozzi. Un vero evento per Firenze.
Cezanne in Florence
100 masterpieces coming from the most prestigious international collections exhibited in Palazzo Strozzi in Florence.
The collections of Fabbri and Loeser exhibited for the first time in a unique exhibition.
Divided in five secions, in addition to the paintings of Cezanne we find Van Gogh, Matisse, Sargent, Denis, La Farge, Weir and Pissarro. This last artist, who was very close to Cezanne, spent part of his life with him.
Until 29 July 2007 in Palazzo Strozzi. A real event for Florence.
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